Two images from the recent referendum campaign in the week before the vote. One from the BBC, the second taken on Edinburgh’s High Street where a fiddler walked the tightrope. Both offered without comment or caption.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
Mary Brooksbank fiddle recording
Great news! I have been informed that a private family recording of Mary Brooksbank, probably from the early 1950s, has recently come to light. I look forward to hearing it in due course. There is information on Mary here and here.
Ian Hardie Memorial Concert, Nairn, 3 September 2014
Photographs (of the fiddlers only) from an excellent concert held in memory of the fiddler Ian Hardie. A full report of the concert will be posted in due course.
Duncan Chisholm
Duncan Chisholm
Macgillivray Fiddlers
Mike Vass
Mairi Campbell
Mairi Campbell