The PhD Experience

Tag teaching

Balancing teaching and a full-time PhD: 4 tips to get you through this semester

By Ellie Ralph | I am now entering my fourth year of teaching and the second year of a PhD. To balance both at the same time is difficult, but it is possible. I have put together some tips below… Continue Reading →

What’s going on next academic year?

By Giovanna Pasquariello | So, lockdown is in easing course. Step three began on the 4th July in the UK. Pubs, restaurants and hairdressers are permitted to open with social distance measures in England. Scotland entered phase three: non-essential shops… Continue Reading →

What to expect during your first ‘teaching observation’

By Sarah Thomson | Getting the chance to teach undergraduates has been simultaneously the most exciting and nerve-wracking part of my PhD so far. This semester I was a tutor on a large undergraduate course. Students went to lectures several times… Continue Reading →

Teaching Is Mostly About Learning: Handling Extreme Student Criticism

Anonymous | Last year while teaching, I got a truly terrible email from a student.  For the sake of privacy and confidentiality, I’m not going to post the entire letter here, but I’ll do my best to give you a… Continue Reading →

In praise of citations

By Sam Grinsell | To students, academia’s insistence on citation can seem confusing and overly rigid. Why should their essays be accompanied by crawling ant-like footnotes or a string of bracketed names and dates? The deeper one goes into the… Continue Reading →

Stop Making Fun of Your Students

By Richard Parfitt |   Something that’s bugged me ever since I started my PhD has been the number of my fellow academics that I see criticising their undergraduate students on social media, particularly on Twitter. Of course, you can see… Continue Reading →

Opening up about teaching

By Sam Grinsell | Back in 2016, I worked for six months in a Technology Enhanced Learning department. You might also come across these groups under names such as Educational Technologies or Learning and Teaching, it varies from institution to… Continue Reading →

Shredding it, setting it ablaze, feeding it to the dog or: What to do when you are sick of your thesis

By Elke Close ¦ After Laura’s uplifting post about rediscovering your groove, this week I want to give you a little advice on what to do when you cannot stand the thought of anything remotely connected to your PhD thesis. Most… Continue Reading →

Student Evaluations: Stop, Change or Continue?

By Fraser Raeburn | For the first time this year, I made my classes fill out anonymous student evaluations at the end of semester. To be honest, I would have done this earlier had I realised that providing tutorial-specific feedback wasn’t… Continue Reading →

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