The PhD Experience

Tag politics

George Orwell’s Six Rules for Writing: A Reassessment

By Daniel Adamson | In April 1946, George Orwell published a short essay entitled “Politics and the English Language”. Orwell’s clear intention was to remedy the pervasive ‘ugly and inaccurate’ written English in contemporary literature. Modern English, especially written English,… Continue Reading →

Life as a research student in times of chaos

By Sam Grinsell  | ‘Sitting in a park in Paris, France Reading the news and it sure looks bad They won’t give peace a chance That was just a dream some of us had’ Joni Mitchell If you maintain the… Continue Reading →

The Loves that Dare to Speak Their Name

By Lloyd (Meadhbh) Houston |   The University of Oxford has a long and storied history when it comes to sexuality. Whether it be the epicureanism of Walter Pater, Oscar Wilde’s ‘love that dare not speak its name’, or Charles Ryder’s… Continue Reading →

Can History stop #fakenews?

By Fraser Raeburn | #Fakenews is everywhere. While I wouldn’t go quite so far as Richard Evans and claim that we live in a postmodern, post-factual dystopia fuelled by literal interpretations of Foucault, we clearly live in a world where facts… Continue Reading →

Donald Trump and Higher Education

By Fraser Raeburn |  Donald Trump has been in the news lately, for some reason. Academics, with all those expectations to be ‘relevant’ and live in the real world (Glyn Davies notwithstanding), have been venturing any number of opinions about this…. Continue Reading →

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