The PhD Experience

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Archival Research in a Time of Coronavirus

By Tim Galsworthy   Well, the world has certainly changed since I last blogged for Pubs and Publications! Since my previous piece in January things have turned upside down and then some. I have become accustomed to working from home,… Continue Reading →

Fieldwork in your home country should be easy right?

I was close to a year into my PhD in architectural history at Newcastle University when I began planning my fieldwork in India. My work examines a historic state in the south of India (Mysore), my methods therefore involve working… Continue Reading →

Researching Stigma: how the contested nature of your topic can affect you as the researcher

By Rachel Wilson-Lowe | On my way to interview for my studentship, I remember getting the side-eye from an older gentleman while on the train. I couldn’t figure out what I had done to deserve his ire, until I saw what… Continue Reading →

Achieving your Summer Writing Goals

By Sarah Thomson | Last week I was asked if I could speak to some postgraduate students about to start writing their Masters dissertations, as part of Historical Perspectives’ new series of summer workshops at the University of Glasgow. The students… Continue Reading →

‘Reimbursement Culture’ and Widening Participation in Academia

By Sarah Thomson | Last week, shortly after booking my first overseas PhD research trip, I found out that I’d had a paper proposal accepted by a major conference. Though both of these events were exciting, I swiftly realised that… Continue Reading →

Tracing transnational lives: a short guide for historians

By Maurice Casey | How do you track down historical evidence for individuals who operated in multiple countries and in various linguistic contexts throughout their lives? In a previous post, I talked about tracing the living descendants of research subjects…. Continue Reading →

Shredding it, setting it ablaze, feeding it to the dog or: What to do when you are sick of your thesis

By Elke Close ¦ After Laura’s uplifting post about rediscovering your groove, this week I want to give you a little advice on what to do when you cannot stand the thought of anything remotely connected to your PhD thesis. Most… Continue Reading →

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