| Giovanna Pasquariello The fact that many PhD programmes – in the UK and not only – allow doctoral students to gain teaching experience as tutors is praiseworthy. It is an opportunity to build a teaching portfolio, gain confidence and improve… Continue Reading →
| Giovanna Pasquariello As doctoral researchers we are most likely required to gain teaching experience at some point of our PhD programme. In most UK universities at least, this takes the form of teaching tutorials to undergraduate – and some times… Continue Reading →
| Giovanna Pasquariello When I was an undergraduate in Italy and I had to prepare the defence of my dissertation, my supervisor at the time suggested me: “Tailor your dress!”. A rather confusing exclamation, and one of the best advices I… Continue Reading →
By Ellie Ralph | I am now entering my fourth year of teaching and the second year of a PhD. To balance both at the same time is difficult, but it is possible. I have put together some tips below… Continue Reading →
This term is shaping up to be much like the rest of 2020 – unprecedented, uncertain, and stressful. Nevertheless, theses continue to be written, books continue to be read, and tutorials continue to be taught. Our committee (and our wider… Continue Reading →
By Giovanna Pasquariello | So, lockdown is in easing course. Step three began on the 4th July in the UK. Pubs, restaurants and hairdressers are permitted to open with social distance measures in England. Scotland entered phase three: non-essential shops… Continue Reading →
By Megan King | As many universities are still working to develop a clear picture of what exactly the upcoming academic year will look like, if you happen to be an instructor, then it’s likely that you’ve been advised to adapt… Continue Reading →
By Sarah Thomson | Getting the chance to teach undergraduates has been simultaneously the most exciting and nerve-wracking part of my PhD so far. This semester I was a tutor on a large undergraduate course. Students went to lectures several times… Continue Reading →
Anonymous | Last year while teaching, I got a truly terrible email from a student. For the sake of privacy and confidentiality, I’m not going to post the entire letter here, but I’ll do my best to give you a… Continue Reading →
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