The PhD Experience

Author samgrinsell

Going anti-viral: Thinking together and apart

In my beginning is my end. In succession Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended, Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. T. S. Eliot, ‘East Coker’, no.2 of… Continue Reading →

Predation and Punctuation

By Fraser Raeburn | A depressing thing about PhD projects is how ephemeral they often prove. You can put together some great initiatives, but without an established institution buying in, they tend to fade away as your time and effort… Continue Reading →

How does it sound? Researchers as musical instruments

By Sam Grinsell and Virginia Calabria | Summer is both silly season and music festival season. Being big fans of music and silliness, this got us wondering whether researchers might be like musical instruments. After all, they each have their… Continue Reading →

Writing mess, a historian and the past

By Sam Grinsell | Think of a lawn. It is simple, clear, smooth, uniformly green. It soaks up a lot of energy through watering and mowing. If you do not mow it regularly, rogue flowers begin to appear. You are… Continue Reading →

Abstract writing – how to write a conference proposal

By Sam Grinsell | There is a genre of academic writing upon which much depends, but which does not get discussed as thoroughly as the conference paper, the journal article, the PhD thesis or the monograph. The conference abstract, a… Continue Reading →

‘Turn off your mind relax and float downstream’: How to get your PhD out of your head

By Sam Grinsell | One of the pieces of advice you’ll read a lot as a PhD student is that you should try to keep some time free from your work. But how do you actually do that? When it… Continue Reading →

Should you do a PhD?

By Sam Grinsell | At this time of year, many students on UK masters programmes are being asked about their plans for next year. This can feel a bit intimidating: you’re only a couple of months into an intense postgraduate… Continue Reading →

What kind of holiday is your PhD?

By Sam Grinsell and Virginia Calabria | As the nights start getting longer and the campus fills up with undergraduates again, the summer holidays already seem to be fading into distant memories. To hold onto these memories a little longer,… Continue Reading →

Five ways to succeed this summer

By Sam Grinsell | As we languish in the depths of summer, here are some thoughts on how best to maximise your efficiency through the long days. I assume here that you hunger for academic success to the exclusion of… Continue Reading →

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