CALL FOR PAPERS: Metaphor across cultures and social spheres. Conference in Castelló de la Plana – 8-9 November 2018
The V International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse will focus especially on the use of metaphor in a variety of modal manifestations across different cultures and social spheres. However, all aspects of metaphor in discourse are object of study and debate in the Conference. Following previous editions, the V International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse will be held at Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castelló de la Plana (8-9 November 2018).
Contributions are encouraged on all aspects of metaphor and discourse studies, departing from the basic tenets of conceptual metaphor theory already set by landmark publications like Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) up to the more recently emergent trends that deal with the study of metaphor across different types of discourse, modes of expression and thought.
Our aim is to bring together specialists and researchers involved in these research matters in order to discuss recent contributions to the field, as well as to open new debates about the relevance of metaphor in discourse with special emphasis on the following topics:
• Quantitative and qualitative methods for metaphor analysis in discourse
• Metaphor and cultural diversity
• Discursive, cognitive and communicative functions of metaphor
• Corpora and technology in metaphor analysis
• Multimodal and monomodal metaphor
• Metaphor in virtual domains
• New cognitive domains in science and technology
• Social relevance of metaphor (in Education, Ideology, etc.)
The following keynote speakers have so far accepted the invitation to participate in the conference:
– Dr. Alice Deignan, University of Leeds
– Dr. Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam
– Dr. Marianna Bolognesi, Oxford University
Contributions, either in English or Spanish, may be submitted as either oral presentations or posters. Oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length plus a 10-minute discussion. As for poster sessions, a suitable time will be reserved so that poster presentations receive due attention on the part of all the assistants. Abstract submission may be realized through an email to: Only abstracts between 600-700 words (including 3- 5 references and 3-5 keywords) will be accepted. The abstract must explicitly mention the aims or motivation, theoretical framework, method, (expected) results and conclusions of the contribution.
All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Please, do not include the author’s name, email and affiliation in the abstract files.
Important Dates
– 20 July, 2018: Deadline for abstract submission (oral presentation and /or poster)
– 6 August 2018: Notification of acceptance/rejection
– 30 September 2018: Deadline for early bird registration and payment
– 8-9 November 2018: V International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse
– 14 January 2019: Deadline for full manuscript submission

GReSCA. Grup de Recerca en Semántica Contrastiva i Aplicada. Universitat Jaume I
Departament d’Estudis Anglesos. Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials UJI