The journal “Language and Psychoanalysis” is currently accepting manuscripts for Volume 7, Spring-Summer 2018. Manuscript submission due date: 31th March 2018
“Language and Psychoanalysis” is a fully peer reviewed online journal that publishes twice a year. It is the only interdisciplinary journal with a strong focus on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of language and psychoanalysis. The journal is also inclusive and not narrowly confined to the Freudian psychoanalytic theory.
We welcome a wide range of original contributions that further the understanding of the interaction between Linguistic Analysis and Theory & Psychoanalytic Theories and Techniques. Any relevant manuscripts with an emphasis on language and psychoanalysis will be considered, including papers on linguistics, methodology, theory, philosophy, child development, psychopathology, psychotherapy, embodied cognition, cognitive science, applied dynamical system theory, consciousness studies, cross-cultural research, and case studies. The journal also publishes short research reports, book reviews, interviews, obituaries, and readers’ comments
Manuscripts should be send to the managing editor Laura A. Cariola <>
“Language and Psychoanalysis” has also been officially accepted to be covered by PsycINFO (APA).
Please distribute widely among your friends, colleagues and students!