Stories from the Walking Library

Professor Deirdre Heddon (University of Glasgow) and Dr Misha Myers (Falmouth University) shared tales from their ongoing art project The Walking Library, as part of Innovative Learning Week 2015.

Heddon and Myers introduced the audience to the Walking Library project by referencing examples of literary figures who took books as companions on walks in the past: John Hucks and the poems of Thomas Churchyard; Samuel Taylor Coleridge and a book of German poetry; John Keats and Dante’s Divine Comedy. The Walking Library thus follows in a long literary tradition of the side-by-side practices of reading and walking. These practices beg the question: what does it mean to take a book on a walk? What do literary companions contribute to a journey? And how might location and mobility affect both the act of reading and one’s hermeneutics of reading?

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Dr Elspeth Jajdelska, ‘Who Was Johnson’s Common Reader’?

Dr Elspeth Jajdelska, of the University of Strathclyde, delivered the final in a series of stunning lectures this fall at the University of Edinburgh. Her paper laid out a careful examination of the identity of Dr. Johnson’s “Common Reader.”

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