Is “corporate socialism” the future of humanity?

Sometimes the best way to start is to start from scratch. The tech futurists behind Sui Generis, a Montreal-based company with ambitious plans to jumpstart stagnant nations with networks of startup-friendly city-states, don’t see the point in revamping existing countries and their dying governments. The world we live in, they posit, is too far gone. […]

What Research Says about Defeating Terrorism

Social psychology has generated a wealth of empirically tested wisdom that can help policy makers and the public address the threat of terrorism. By understanding our propensities, among others, to “swarm and norm” in forming beliefs or take cues from others in the face of emergencies, we can develop more effective strategies and responses. Additional […]

Our Life on Mars, Our Life on Earth: A Reason to Join the CRAG

Our Life on Mars, Our Life on Earth A Reason to Join the CRAG The Crag, the Creation of Reality Group at the University of Edinburgh, is moved by a collective desire to understand how ideals can become a social reality and shape our future. We want to provide inspiration and a toolkit to transform […]

We, Anthrobots

Luis de Miranda, Michael Rovatos, Subramanian Ramamoorthy The Anthrobotics Cluster at The University of Edinburgh We, Anthrobot: Learning From Human Forms of Interaction and Esprit de Corps to Develop More Plural Social Robotics Luis DE MIRANDAa,, Subramanian RAMAMOORTHYb and Michael ROVATSOS b a School of Literatures, Languages and Culture, The University of Edinburgh b School […]

The Origins of Codetermination: Tracing the British Influence, a Crag Talk by Rebecca Zahn

The Origins of Codetermination: Tracing the British Influence, a Crag Talk by Rebecca Zahn Thursday 24 March 2016 University of Edinburgh LLC – Project Room 5.30 pm Codetermination – worker participation in management – forms part of the industrial relations traditions of a number of European countries. Among these, the German system of parity codetermination […]

Jobs Are for Machines

Deep Learning Is Going to Teach Us All the Lesson of Our Lives: Jobs Are for Machines an article by Scott Santens On December 2nd, 1942, a team of scientists led by Enrico Fermi came back from lunch and watched as humanity created the first self-sustaining nuclear reaction inside a pile of bricks and wood […]

An Inter-Enactive Approach to Agency: Participatory Sense-Making, Dynamics, and Sociality

An Inter-Enactive Approach to Agency: Participatory Sense-Making, Dynamics, and Sociality Steve Torrance Tom Froese ABSTRACT An inter-enactive approach to agency holds that the behaviour of agents in a social situation unfolds not only according to their individual abilities and goals, but also according to the conditions and constraints imposed by the autonomous dynamics of the […]