CRAG CONFLUENCE 2015 – 3-5 December 2015 Keynote Speaker Martin Crowley, University of Cambridge, UK “Recent models of agency as distributed throughout networks of human and nonhuman actors — most notably in the works of Bruno Latour and Jane Bennett — have powerfully shifted understanding of this topic, and have argued that the significance of […]
Monthly Archives: August 2015
The Linguistic Creation of Reality, a Crag talk by Dr. Christopher Beedham
CRAG conference 2015 3 December 2015 University of Edinburgh LLC – 50 George Square – 6 pm Christopher Beedham, Keynote Speaker at the Crag Confluence 2015, 3-5 December 2015 The Linguistic Creation of Reality, in Grammar and Ideology Christopher Beedham, Dept. of German, School of Modern Languages, University of St Andrews, Scotland Abstract This paper […]
Philosophers’ stock exchange between 1808 and 2008
Source n-gram (occurence of the name in digitised books) Observations: – Somewhere around 2000, Aristotle and Plato became more quoted in books than Marx. – Hegel, Nietzsche and Foucault were equally quoted in 2008. Advice: don’t sell Marx, buy Foucault and Hegel
One World Anthropology, a talk by Tim Ingold at the Crag Confluence 2015
One World Anthropology Tim Ingold, University of Aberdeen Keynote speaker at the Crag Confluence 2015 4 December 2015 – 6 pm LLC – 50 George Square – The University of Edinburgh As philosophical fashions lurch from one extreme to the other – from the hyper-relativism of the cultural construction industry to the ever-multiplying essentialisms of […]
Towards a New Frontier of the Self: A Genealogy of Esprit de Corps
The Society for European Philosophy and Forum for European Philosophy Joint Conference 2015 (Dundee, 4 September 2015, 10 am) presents: Luis de Miranda The University of Edinburgh Towards a New Frontier of the Self? A Genealogy of Esprit de Corps In a planet that might count ten billion humans in 2100, modern individualism and its […]
‘Life is Strange’: Creanalysis of a Videogame, a talk by Luis de Miranda
Life is strange is an episodic videogame launched in 2015 and developed by Dontnod, a French studio based in Paris. Critically and internationally acclaimed, this film-like, melancholic, and esthetical game focuses on female protagonist Max Caulfield, an American high-school student who discovers that she has the ability to rewind her existence for a few minutes […]
First almost fully-formed human brain grown in lab, researchers claim
An almost fully-formed human brain has been grown in a lab for the first time, claim scientists from Ohio State University. The team behind the feat hope the brain could transform our understanding of neurological disease. Though not conscious the miniature brain, which resembles that of a five-week-old foetus, could potentially be useful for scientists […]
A Genealogy of Globalisation
A Genealogy of ‘Globalization’: The Career of a Concept Paul Jamesa & Manfred B. Stegerb a University of Western Sydney, Parramatta, Australia b University of Hawai’i, Manoa, USA Published online: 12 Sep 2014. ABSTRACT ‘Globalization’ is an extraordinary concept. It is a complicated concept that burst upon the world relatively recently, but soon became a […]
L’idéal collectif de Durkheim
Extrait de Émile Durkheim, «Jugements de valeur et jugements de réalité» (1911), communication d’Émile Durkheim faite au Congrès international de Philosophie de Bologne, à la séance générale du 6 avril, publiée dans un numéro exceptionnel de la Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale du 3 juillet 1911. En résumé, s’il est vrai que la valeur […]
How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain
A walk in the park may soothe the mind and, in the process, change the workings of our brains in ways that improve our mental health, according to an interesting new study of the physical effects on the brain of visiting nature.More here