engage is the home of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences blog community. Follow research projects and personal blogs from around the College’s Schools and Centres:
After Development The Global Development Academy's blog investigates the economic, political and cultural aspects of what happens 'after development'. |
Archives Now Exploring exciting new avenues for digital humanities research and engagement with Scotland’s national collections. |
Art School Head Art School Head is Professor Chris Breward's blog that reflects on all things Art School and particularly on all things ECA. |
Ben Jonson's Walk Featured in the national media; trace the 1618 walk from London to Edinburgh by playwright and one-man carnival Ben Jonson, through blog posts, maps and Twitter. |
Centre for Cultural Relations The CCR aims to brings theory and practice together through public events and debates, research and innovative study offerings. |
Centre for the History of the Book Articles and news on all aspects of research into the material culture of the text, from manuscripts to e-books. |
Constructing Incapacity for Work Dr Jackie Gulland's blog documents her research into the history of incapacity benefits, from the beginnings of the welfare state to more recent policy changes. |
CRAG A cross-disciplinary blog and seminar series exploring how creation, in its different forms, affects the world and how it contributes to the shaping of the structures of society. |
Eighteenth Century Enlightenment Studies A cross-disciplinary forum for scholars of the 'long' 18th century. Members come from a range of disciplines, including history, law, philosophy, literature, divinity, art history, geography, and the social sciences. |
Forward Thinking Potted research, projects and ideas from the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Studies |
Language and Mind Network International interdisciplinary network covering psychological sciences and humanities: psychotherapy, psychoanalytic theories, philosophy, literature, the arts and social phenomena. |
PE Research Digest Part of the ISPEHS based at the Moray House School of Education, the group is focused on engaging teachers with forms of PE that enhance the learning and lives of their students. |
Neco Çelik - Postmigrant Theatre from Germany Çelik's first visit to Scotland is the at the centre of this project, which included screenings, workshops and seminars based around the work of the 'Spike Lee of Kreuzberg'. |
NursingTales Alison Wood, a current PhD candidate from the School of Health in Social Science, writes about the challenges and rewards of the Nursing Studies programme. |
The Regional Ethnology of Scotland is an ambitious project documenting views of life and society in Scotland across time, place and setting, using the voices of local people wherever possible. | |
The Fiddle in the Scottish Folk Music Revival Stuart Eydmann's blog, started during his term as Traditional Artist in Residence 2013/14, in Celtic and Scottish Studies, documents the role of the fiddle in the Scottish folk music revival of the mid-twentieth century. |
Science and Religion Staff and students hold an often lively debate around topical issues addressed by the Science and Religion masters programme at the School of Divinity. |
Scotland’s Early Literature for Children Initiative The SELCIE project explores the forgotten history of children’s literature. Founders Valentina Bold, Sarah Dunnigan and a dedicated team of postgraduate researchers are bringing unicorns, mermaids and more to life... |
Sport Matters The Academy of Sport blog aims to stimulate discussion on the value and potential of sport in the 21st century. |
Who's Watching Who? Twenty-five years after of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a collaboration between dramatist Peter Arnott, Dr Laura Bradley of the University of Edinburgh, and ex-BBC producer Susan Kemp explores censorship and East German theatre. |
Digital Innovation Team Formerly the College Web Team, the re-named Digital Innovation Team provides support for websites, graphics, media, virtual tours across the College, and occasionally have the time to post about what they're up to... |