The PhD Experience

Category academia

Seeking Counselling During the PhD

By Megan King | Nowadays, we regularly hear how we need to prioritize our mental health. We listen to podcasts about wellbeing, we read blog posts about self-care, and we glance at advertisements for mental health apps. Maybe we even… Continue Reading →

Teaching Tutorials: How To Mark Efficiently

| Giovanna Pasquariello The fact that many PhD programmes – in the UK and not only – allow doctoral students to gain teaching experience as tutors is praiseworthy. It is an opportunity to build a teaching portfolio, gain confidence and improve… Continue Reading →

Teaching Tutorials – How To Make Discussion Flow

| Giovanna Pasquariello As doctoral researchers we are most likely required to gain teaching experience at some point of our PhD programme. In most UK universities at least, this takes the form of teaching tutorials to undergraduate – and some times… Continue Reading →

Monthly Committee Post – A Few Things Academia Could Do Better

As PhD researches we must have all heard at least one discussion on how draining living in an academic environment is, and on how many decide to just leave academia, and pursue other jobs, in which – they say –… Continue Reading →

Transferable skills: an ode to flexibility or a consolation prize?

| Giovanna Pasquariello As I am entering my third year of PhD, that smoky prospect of the future is getting closer and closer. But not clearer. To caress the idea that I am actually doing something to prepare for the job… Continue Reading →

Money, money, money! (August Committee Post)

This month’s committee post is all about budgeting during your PhD! From research costs, to paying for conferences, to balancing your own personal finances, our committee gives you all the tips and tricks! Vesna Curlic Financial planning for PhDs is… Continue Reading →

Summer Quiz: What kind of annoying PhD candidate are you?

By Séveric Yersin | Does everybody roll their eyes when you talk about your research? It’s time to be honest and face the truth: PhD candidates aren’t the most beloved, the most interesting, the most fun people there are. Their… Continue Reading →

Tailor yourself and your PhD. A quick start guide

| Giovanna Pasquariello When I was an undergraduate in Italy and I had to prepare the defence of my dissertation, my supervisor at the time suggested me: “Tailor your dress!”. A rather confusing exclamation, and one of the best advices I… Continue Reading →

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