Reading Group

OverLAP started as the humble ‘LLC-Philosophy’ reading group. At the time of writing, we’re still reading and talking about reading. If you’d like to chat about literature and philosophy with us, we’d be glad to see you. Just turn up or fire any questions to our email (see below).

When and where do I find you?

For the 2017/18 session, we will be meeting every second Tuesday from 16.15-17.15 during term-time. Our first meeting is on 3rd October. Outside of term time, meetings are on a more ad hoc basis.

We meet in room 1.02, 50 George Square.

Is there a reading list, or any preparation I can do?

Our reading list for semester 1 of the 2017/18 session can be accessed here:

OverLAP 1718 Sem1 reading list

Readings are sent out via our mailing list several days prior to each meeting. Readings are eclectic and range in length from 20 to 50 pages, though never longer than that. No formal training nor familiarity with any canon is required.

How do I find out more / get involved?

If you’d like to be kept up to speed with our various doings, we’d be glad to add you to our mailing list. Just drop us a line: