Well conferenced, team

Well conferenced, team

The OverLAP team is still in recovery mode, but we’re managing to bask in the glow of a highly successful first conference.

Well attended, stimulating panels, a challenging and entertaining keynote address, and no technical disasters (that we noticed). Head over to our conference site for more details, or check out our conference page for a couple of pictures from some shots of philosophy/literature in action.

We’re all feeling pretty chuffed and are looking forward to the next one already!

Conference starting tomorrow!

We’ve been frantically filling delegate bags and snipping away at name tags in anticipation of tomorrow’s ‘Forms of Knowledge’ international conference.

Proceedings kick off with registration (and coffee!) at 8.45am tomorrow, Tuesday 7th November. We’ll be in 50 George Square for the duration of the day. We’ll then migrate to the Institut français d’Ecosse at Lothian Chambers on George IV Bridge for Wednesday’s events.

If you’re in and around Edinburgh on either day, whether you’re part of our (or any) university or not, we’d love it if you’d join us. Full details can be found on our conference page or in the attached brochure.

Forms of Knowledge Brochure

Prof. Sandra Laugier, keynote speaker

We are delighted that Prof. Sandra Laugier has agreed to be keynote speaker at our Forms of Knowledge conference. Prof. Laugier is Full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne.

She’ll be delivering two talks during her stay in Edinburgh. Her conference keynote speech – entitled ‘Ethics, Literature, and What Matters’ – will take place in the French Consulate at 1700 on Wednesday 8th November.

Prof. Laugier also will be giving a talk as part of the Department of European Language and Culture’s (DELC) French Seminar Series. Here she will turn her attention to ‘Civil Disobedience and Democracy.’ This is due to take place in David Hume Lecture Theatre A at 1715 on Tuesday 7th November.

We hope to see you at one or both of what are sure to be exciting and challenging talks.

Reading group resumes!

Today, Tuesday 3 October, we revive our reading group for the Autumn/Winter semester. We’re kicking things off in style, with Walter Benjamin’s ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.’

Have a read if you’ve the time, or just come along and say hello. If you’re new or old, philosophically literate or otherwise, get involved. We’ll be in room 1.02, 50 George Square from 16.15-17.15.

More information about our meetings and readings can be found here.

Poster training completed

Poster training completed

The OverLAP team attended a great poster session this morning. It was hosted by UoE’s Institute for Academic Development and delivered by the excellent Prof. Allan Gaw. We’re all now excited to pass on our skills to others on 24th October.

If you’re an arts and humanities PhD student in Scotland and would like to present your research in an innovative and eye catching way, why not join us for the next session?

Full details on our poster page.

Conference confirmed!

We are thrilled to announce the details of our first conference! It’ll be taking place this November, 7-8, and we can’t wait to welcome researchers from near and far.

Our theme is ‘Forms of Knowledge.’ True to our group’s founding aims, we will gladly accept paper submissions dealing with literature, philosophy and any cocktail thereof.

The brilliant Sandra Laugier has kindly agreed to be our keynote speaker.

We are also very grateful to confirm the support of the French Institute, the Department of English Literature, and the Department of European Languages and Cultures.

We’re looking forward to a truly international and interdisciplinary event. For more details, see our conference page, where you can also find our Call for Papers. Hope to see you in Edinburgh in November!