SAVE THE DATE: The Creative Power of Metaphor 29th – 30th March 2019, Oxford, UK

SAVE THE DATE: The Creative Power of Metaphor


29th – 30th March 2019 at Worcester College, Oxford, UK

Join us in Oxford for a 2-day conference designed to investigate the nexus between the following three elements: Metaphor, Linguistic Diversity, and Human Creativity.

The conference will be structured around four keynote lectures and four panels which will investigate four themes, outlined below. A call inviting participation in the panels and presentation of poster contributions will be advertised at the beginning of September.

1. Panel topic: Metaphor and linguistic diversity 

Keynote speaker: Lera Boroditsky

2. Panel topic: Metaphor and emotion

Keynote speaker: Zoltan Kövecses

3. Panel topic: Metaphor and communication

Keynote speaker: Gerard Steen

4. Panel topic: Metaphor and creativity

Keynote speaker: Rachel Giora

We look forward to welcoming you in Oxford!

The Organisers:

Professor Katrin Kohl

Dr Marianna Bolognesi

Dr Ana Werkmann Horvat

Creative Multilingualism (

Our research group is a large cross-disciplinary team of academics working on the nexus between linguistic diversity and creativity. The conference is being organised by Strand 1 of Creative Multilingualism: Embodying Ideas – the Creative Power of Metaphor:

“How language and image construct synaesthetic metaphors in print advertising” by Bologonesi & Lievers

How language and image construct synaesthetic metaphors in print advertising

Marianna Bologensi & Francesca Strik Lievers

Research in (multi-)sensory marketing suggests that engaging consumers’ senses is an efficient way to create effective advertisements. In this study, the authors explore how sensory cues are used in print advertising. In particular, they identify and describe print advertisements featuring instances of synaesthesia, that is, a metaphor by which properties of a given sensory modality are attributed to a concept that relates primarily to a different sensory modality. They propose that these advertisements can be classified based on the role played by the image and the text, as well as based on the way visual and linguistic elements interact. They also outline how their contribution can set theoretical groundwork for the design of new empirical research questions in cognitive sciences and marketing studies.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Metaphor across cultures and social spheres. Conference in Castelló de la Plana, 8-9 November 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: Metaphor across cultures and social spheres. Conference in Castelló de la Plana – 8-9 November 2018

The V International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse will focus especially on the use of metaphor in a variety of modal manifestations across different cultures and social spheres. However, all aspects of metaphor in discourse are object of study and debate in the Conference. Following previous editions, the V International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse will be held at Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castelló de la Plana (8-9 November 2018).

Contributions are encouraged on all aspects of metaphor and discourse studies, departing from the basic tenets of conceptual metaphor theory already set by landmark publications like Lakoff and Johnson’s (1980) up to the more recently emergent trends that deal with the study of metaphor across different types of discourse, modes of expression and thought.

Our aim is to bring together specialists and researchers involved in these research matters in order to discuss recent contributions to the field, as well as to open new debates about the relevance of metaphor in discourse with special emphasis on the following topics:

• Quantitative and qualitative methods for metaphor analysis in discourse

• Metaphor and cultural diversity

• Discursive, cognitive and communicative functions of metaphor

• Corpora and technology in metaphor analysis

• Multimodal and monomodal metaphor

• Metaphor in virtual domains

• New cognitive domains in science and technology

• Social relevance of metaphor (in Education, Ideology, etc.)

The following keynote speakers have so far accepted the invitation to participate in the conference:

Dr. Alice Deignan, University of Leeds

Dr. Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam

Dr. Marianna Bolognesi, Oxford University

Contributions, either in English or Spanish, may be submitted as either oral presentations or posters. Oral presentations will be 20 minutes in length plus a 10-minute discussion. As for poster sessions, a suitable time will be reserved so that poster presentations receive due attention on the part of all the assistants. Abstract submission may be realized through an email to: Only abstracts between 600-700 words (including 3- 5 references and 3-5 keywords) will be accepted. The abstract must explicitly mention the aims or motivation, theoretical framework, method, (expected) results and conclusions of the contribution.

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Please, do not include the author’s name, email and affiliation in the abstract files.

Important Dates

20 July,  2018: Deadline for abstract submission (oral presentation and /or poster)

6  August 2018: Notification of acceptance/rejection

30 September 2018: Deadline for early bird registration and payment

8-9 November 2018: V International Conference on Metaphor and Discourse

14 January 2019: Deadline for full manuscript submission


GReSCA. Grup de Recerca en Semántica Contrastiva i Aplicada. Universitat Jaume I 

Departament d’Estudis Anglesos. Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials UJI

Sweet voice and round taste: Cross-sensory metaphors and linguistic variability

Sweet voice and round taste: Cross-sensory metaphors and linguistic variability

Date: 9 May 2018
Time: 12.30 – 2pm
Location: Jesus College – Ship Street Lecture Centre, Oxford

How do we define a sound or a taste for which our language does not have a dedicated word?

Typically, we borrow words from another sensory modality. Wines, for example, are often described by words that belong to other sensory perceptions: a “soft flavour” borrows the adjective soft from the domain of touch, and a “round taste” borrows the adjective round from the domain of sight.

It remains an interesting open issue to what extent these cross-sensory metaphors are universal across languages, and to what extent they are language-specific.

Dr Francesca Strik Lievers will address these questions and provide an overview of the latest scientific discoveries in the field, using examples taken from different languages. Her talk will be followed by an opportunity for questions.

The event is organised and hosted by Creative Multilingualism in collaboration with TORCH. Creative Multilingualism is a research programme led by the University of Oxford and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of the Open World Research Initiative.

Participation is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided.

Book ticket:

“The Nuances of Metaphor Theory for Constructivist Psychotherapy” by Dennis Tay

AbstractConstructivist Psychology journal cover

Constructivist psychotherapy and contemporary metaphor theory, as part of the neighboring fields of psychology and linguistics, share fundamental assumptions rooted in constructivist philosophy. There has been much cross-disciplinary discussion of how our inclination toward metaphors translates into an important meaning-making resource in therapy and other domains of professional practice, such as education. Nevertheless, more reciprocal effort is needed to (a) show practitioners the relevance of nuanced aspects of metaphor theory and linguistic analysis that may evade their attention, and (b) sensitize linguists toward practice-driven factors in their analyses. This article attempts the first of these tasks by identifying and exemplifying four such aspects: (a) source domains at different experiential levels, (b) variable source-target relationships in discourse, (c) metaphorical processes at higher levels of analysis, and (d) discursive and communicative grounding of metaphor. I suggest how they might provide pertinent insights and future directions for interpreting, analyzing, and working with metaphors in psychotherapy.

Link to original article

Dr Marianna Bolognesi

Marianna Bolognesi

Affiliation: University of Amsterdam

Marianna is a EU Marie Curie awarded postdoc researcher at the UvA. Her research focuses on the differences between visual and verbal metaphors, and taps into the type of knowledge that comes into play when we understand a visual as opposed to a verbal metaphor. To achieve this, she uses quantitative analyses and computational modelling techniques, combined with psychological data. Her current postdoctoral project is called COGVIM (Cognitive Grounding of Visual Metaphor,

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