Registration is now open for Narrative Matters 2018

Registration is now open for Narrative Matters 2018
Conference theme: The ABCs of Narrative
July 2-5, 2018, Enschede, the Netherlands

Narrative Matters is a bi-annual conference on the study of narrative, which brings together scholars from different disciplines. The current booming interest for narrative or “story-telling” across academic disciplines and professional fields comes with a number of challenges. One of these challenges, as captured by the conference theme “the ABCs of narrative”, is the need for a better understanding and an interdisciplinary dialogue between A) the arts and humanities; B) the natural and computer sciences; C) the behavioral, social, and health sciences. A thorough interdisciplinary exchange can enrich our understanding of the cognitive, affective, motivational, social, political, ideological, or ethical workings of narrative, and provide insights from which also diverse professional uses of narrative can benefit. A second challenge is that of learning about exciting new developments in technological expression and computational analysis of narrative that might be productive both for researchers and professionals. A third challenge the “ABCs of narrative” aims to address is the need to stimulate “critical narrative savviness” among citizens, in particular in the many professional practices in which narrative or story-telling play a central role. A keen critical acumen and sense of responsibility are needed, in our days as much as ever in the past, to detect and resist unwanted effects of narrative world-making and persuasion.

We identified a number of topics that address these three challenges and seem relevant for a fruitful understanding and improved uses of narrative across disciplines and professions.
· Narrative coping with complexity and uncertainty;
· Narrative and the shaping of identities;
· Narratives and innovative technological modes of expressing and computational modes of analyzing;
· Narrative, affect, and the fabrication of truth;
· Narrative and power in societies, organizations, and practices.

“Association for Psychosocial Studies Biennial Conference” 5th-7th April 2018

Bournemouth University, 5th-7th April 2018


‘Psychosocial Reflections on a Half Century of Cultural Revolution’

Fifty years after the hippie counterculture of 1967 (‘the summer of love’) and the political turbulence of 1968 (‘May 68’), this conference will stage a psychosocial examination of the ways in which today’s world is shaped by the forces symbolised by those two moments. It will explore the continuing influence of the deep social, cultural and political changes in the West, which crystallised in the events of these two years. The cultural forces and the political movements of that time aimed to change the world, and did so, though not in the ways that many of their participants expected. Their complex, multivalent legacy of ‘liberation’ is still developing and profoundly shapes the globalising world today, in the contests between what is called neo-liberalism, resurgent fundamentalisms, environmentalism, individualism, nationalisms, and the proliferation of identity politics.

A counter-cultural and identity-based ethos now dominates much of consumer culture, and is reflected in the recent development of some populist and protest politics. A libertarian critique of politics, once at the far margins, now informs popular attitudes towards many aspects of democratic governance; revolutionary critiques have become mainstream clichés. Hedonic themes suffuse everyday life, while self-reflection and emotional literacy have also become prominent values, linked to more positive orientations towards human diversity and the international community.

We invite psychosocial analyses of the development and legacy today of the ‘revolutions’ of the sixties, either through explorations of contemporary issues in politics, culture and artistic expression, or through historical studies. All proposals for papers, panels and workshops must indicate how they address both psychological and social dimensions of their topic.

Topics could include:

•  What happened to hate in the Summer of Love?
•  Lennon vs Lenin: did 1967 and 1968 announce two divergent trends in contemporary culture – and what has happened since to the psychosocial forces they expressed?
•  What are the meanings of ‘liberation’ today?
•  New inequalities in post-industrial societies
•  The resurgence of religion
•  The Six Day War, intifadas, and intractability
•  The planetary environment: fantasies and politics
•  Trajectories of feminism
•  The changing nature of ageing
•  ‘The personal is political’ and other rhetoric in historical context
•  Free minds and free markets
•  The ethics of freedom: for example, where now for freedom of speech?
•  From the Manson Family to the Islamic State
•  Pop music’s global conquest and musical hybridity
•  Changes in artistic practice, creativity and commodification
•  The transformation of media
•  The digitisation of everything
•  Higher education: democratisation and marketisation
•  The potential and limitations of theories of narcissism as a major tool for understanding late modern/post-modern cultures
•  New narcissisms in the twenty-first century
•  Therapeutic culture and its critics
•  Where are they now? Biographical narratives of the revolutionaries
•  States of mind in pivotal moments: San Francisco 67, Paris 68, and since
•  The sense of entitlement: narcissism or social justice?
•  The decline of deference and its consequences
•  The hatred of government and authority
•  The sexualisation of culture
•  Controlled decontrolling or repressive desublimation? Elias and Marcuse on cultural liberalisation
•  Our bodies ourselves: shifting patterns and perceptions of embodiment.

Send your abstract of 250-300 words to:<>
Deadline: 31 May 2017.

Decisions on acceptance will be taken by early July 2017.

“Borderline States of Mind and destructive Feelings: A diagnosis for our times?” 5th May 2017

ASPD in Context — Cross Disciplinary Perspectives on ‘anti-social personality disorder’
Borderline States of Mind and Destructive Feelings: A diagnosis for our times?
The Institute of Group Analysis, London NW3 5BY

BSA Annual Conference 2017 – Abstract submission

bsabannerDear Colleague,

As you may well know, the BSA Annual Conference, 2017 will be held at the University of Manchester, on 4-6 April on the theme ‘Recovering the Social: Personal Troubles and Public Issues’.  Conference details are here.

Following its successful 2016 conference, the Sociology, Psychoanalysis and the Psychosocial Study Group very much hopes you will be submitting a paper to the 2017 event. The abstract submission deadline is: Friday, 14 October 2016.  The submission system is not yet in operation but we will send details of how to submit an abstract to the Study Group’s sub-stream once the system is up and running.

 With our very best wishes for an enjoyable summer,

 Peter and Julie

 Peter Redman and Julie Walsh

Sociology, Psychoanalysis and the Psychosocial Study Group conveners

Experiences of illness and death: learning from the discourses of realities and fictions – Call for Papers

BAAL Health & Science Communication SIG Workshop 
28th November 2016
“Experiences of illness and death: learning from the discourses of realities
and fictions”

Hosted by the Faculty of Well-being, Education and Language Studies The Open University, Milton Keynes

“Any serious illness is a medical event, but it is lived in narrative terms” wrote Andrew Solomon in a recent article for The Guardian. This workshop will focus on these ‘lived’ and ‘narrative’ aspects of the experience of illness and death from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Accounts of illness and dying by patients, carers and healthcare professionals have been at the heart the medical humanities for several decades.





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Sociology and Psychoanalysis: The Unfulfilled Promise

Sociology and Psychoanalysis: The Unfulfilled Promise

A conference organised by the Institute of Psychoanalysis, the British Sociological Association’s study group for Sociology, Psychoanalysis and the Psychosocial, and UCL, Institute of Education. 11th-12th November 2016

With support from the Independent Social Research Foundation and Warwick Institute of Advanced Study

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