Christopher R. Bell

Chris Bell

Affiliation : University of West Georgia

I am currently a doctoral candidate in Psychology: Consciousness and Society at the University of West Georgia, USA. My dissertation research considers personal experiences of change occurring in three psychotherapeutic modalities: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, and Psychoanalysis. I am fascinated by and committed to exploring both the empirical and the philosophical / ethical dimensions of psychotherapy practices. I am also interested in Critical approaches to Psychology, particularly the concept of Psychologization as both an object of critique and a standpoint for examining subjectivity. I completed my B.A. in English Literatures and Cultures from Brown University and my M.A. in Psychology from University of West Georgia.


Dr Beverley Costa

Beverley Costa

Affiliation : Mother Tongue

Dr Beverley Costa, a psychotherapist, set up Mothertongue multi-ethnic counselling service in 2000. Mothertongue also runs a dedicated Mental Health Interpreting Service. In 2009 Mothertongue won The Queen’s Award for Volunteering. Beverley is an Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London and has written a number of papers and chapters on therapy across languages. Together with Jean Marc Dewaele, their paper: Psychotherapy across Languages: beliefs, attitudes and practices of monolingual and multilingual therapists with their multilingual patients, won the 2013 BACP Equality and Diversity Research Award.

She established “Colleagues Across Borders” in 2013 which offers pro bono peer support and training, via Skype, to refugee psychosocial workers based in the Middle East. She set up the Bilingual Therapist and Mental Health Interpreter Forum in 2010. This meets twice a year in London. She produced the world premiere of the play about a cross language couple “The Session in 2015 at The Soho Theatre, London. She is currently producing an Arts Council England funded play about interpreters.

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Zachary Tavlin

Zachary Tavlin

Affiliation : University of Washington

Zachary Tavlin is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Washington. His research focuses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature, the history of philosophy, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, and the visual arts. He has published widely on a variety of topics, appearing in Language & Psychoanalysis, The Comparatist, Theoretical Practice, and InVisible Culture among a number of other venues. Forthcoming works include essays and book chapters on Faulkner and Heidegger, Borges and Spinoza, Cormac McCarthy, and the films of Hal Hartley.

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Dr Fernanda Carra-Salsberg

Affiliation : York University, Ontario, Canada

Fernanda Carra-Salsberg has been a postsecondary foreign language educator for the past fifteen years. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, her interest in language, culture, migration and identity formations stems from her repeated relocations as a child and an adolescent migrant, and from experiences as a foreign-language pedagogue. She has taught English as a Second language and Spanish. Carra-Salsberg is currently teaching Spanish Grammar to Heritage and Second language learners at York University, Ontario, Canada. Carra-Salsberg has obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honours in Spanish Language, Literature and Linguistics at York University, a Bachelor of Education Degree in Second Language Acquisition and History at OISE UT, and a Master of Arts Degree in Spanish Language and Ibero-American Literature at the University of Toronto.

Most recently, Carra-Salsberg has completed an Interdisciplinary Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Education, York University. Carra-Salsberg resides in the Greater Toronto area (Ontario, Canada) with her spouse and two daughters.

Prof Ian Parker

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Affiliation : University of Leicester

Ian Parker is Professor of Management in the School of Management at the University of Leicester, Co-Director of the Discourse Unit ( and a practising psychoanalyst in Manchester. His books include Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Revolutions in Subjectivity (Routledge, 2011), and six books in the series ‘Psychology after Critique’ (Routledge, 2015).

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Michael Dittmann

Michael Dittmann

Affiliation: International Psychoanalytic University Berlin

Michael M. Dittmann, BA and MA in Psychology („Open up open-topic closing – local production of social relation in a psychodynamic short-term Therapy“), BA Econonomic Psychology („Psychological impact study of the work of Michelangelo da Caravaggio ‚Amor vincit omnia‘“); University Lecturer and Research Associate for Social Psychology at the International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) Berlin (Germany); current research projects: Conversation Analysis of Empathy in Psychotherapy Process Research (CEMPP), Typical Problematic Situations (TPS), Joint Evaluation of Therapeutic Help (JETH); publications: challenging situations (2015) and empathy (2015; 2016).

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Prof Adrienne Harris

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Affiliation : New York University

Adrienne Harris, Ph.D. is Faculty and Supervisor at New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. She is on the faculty and is a supervisor at the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California. She is a member and Training Analyst in the IPA. She is an Editor at Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and Studies In Gender and Sexuality. In 2009, She, Lewis Aron, and Jeremy Safron established the Sandor Ferenczi Center at the New School University.

She, Lew Aron, Eyal Rozmaren and Steven Kuchuck co-edit the Book Series Relational Perspectives in Psychoanalysis, a series now with over 60 published volumes. She has written on topics in gender and development, analytic subjectivity and self-care, primitive states and the analytic community in the shadow of the First World War. Her current work is on analytic subjectivity, on intersectional models of gender and sexuality, and on ghosts.

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