Critical Praxis Cooperative’s website by Dr Robert Beshara

Dr Robert Beshara is pleased to announce, on behalf of the Critical Praxis Cooperative, a website, which will serve as a resource for students, faculty, and non-academics:

The critical psychology website is one step in the direction of critical praxis, which entails transdisciplinary collaboration between critical scholars and radical activists. Currently Robert is trying to organize a conference for next year with that theme in mind, and when Robert has more information he will update the “events” section on the website.

Feel free to browse through the site, and kindly contact Robert to let him know if he needs to change anything. The idea behind the site is that it serves as a free collaborative resource, so if you have any corrections or suggestions do let him know. Robert is open to making changes. Also, you are more than welcome to share this website with anyone who might find it useful. Robert created the website because he felt there was a need for it.

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