Dr Omar Gelo

Omar Gelo

Affiliation: Sigmund Freud University Vienna and Università del Salento

Dr. Omar Gelo graduated in Psychology at the University of Urbino (Italy) in 2000. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Ulm (Germany) in 2007, where he also worked as a research assistant. In 2007 he begun to work as assistant professor at the Department of Psychotherapy Science of the Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Austria). In 2008 he became Assistant Professor for Dynamic Psychology at the Department of History, Society and Human Studies of the University of Salento (Italy). Since 2014 he is Associate Professor for Dynamic Psychology at the same department where he since then director of the Bachelor and Master Program in Psychology. Since 2008 he works as consultant of the Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Austria), where he also the director of the International Ph.D. Program in Psychotherapy Science at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Austria).

His research interests concern: (a) the epistemological reflection on the scientific status of psychotherapy and psychological intervention; (b) the methodological reflection on the application of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods in psychotherapy and clinical research; (c) the empirical investigation of the psychotherapeutic process in different therapeutic schools (comparative process-outcome research); (d) psychotherapy integration; and (e) the application of dynamic systems theory to the study of psychotherapy; (e) the investigation of psychotherapeutic development. He recently co-edited the volume “Psychotherapy Research: Foundations, Process, and Outcome” (Springer, Vienna).

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