As part of the project involving dissertation studies, we held group meetings:
Group meeting 1 – 16 March 2017, 3pm
This meeting will focus on initial ideas about the areas that could be researched, and what individuals can bring to the project. To prepare for this meeting, you can make some notes on:
My initial interest in the project – the reasons I want to be part of this research
My experience so far in digital games, teaching and/or creating materials
The areas of the project that I’m most interested in – why, and what I feel I can contribute
After this meeting, you will have individual meetings with your supervisor to organise your contribution and what form your dissertation will take
Group meeting 2 – 18th April 2017, 2pm
This meeting will be final decisions about what each participant is doing, timetables of work. This meeting will also be an opportunity to share interesting ideas you have encountered in the literature. Some of the things you might prepare would be:
Research questions confirmed
Type of data analysis confirmed
Timetable for collecting data confirmed
Clarification of definitions and terminology used (for group discussion)
Sharing useful literature and policy documents
Group meeting 3 – 15th June 2017, 2pm
At this meeting, any data will have been collected and you will be working on the results of the data. The purpose of this meeting is to share what your tentative ideas are so far, and what you are now doing with your data. You could prepare by:
Bring a copy of data collected
Have notes on your methodology (brief notes – not the full chapter for the dissertation)
Share experiences of collecting data
Some tentative conclusions – any surprises?