Some values influence your choices more than others. They shape your actions, your future, and to a certain extent the future of human societies. Do you know what is your most important value? Is there an absolute value that governs you, for better or worse? We invite you to take 2 minutes to answer this […]
Category Archives: News and Events
‘Creation of Reality’: Anthropology meets Robotics (public round table with anthropologist Tim Ingold and Artificial Intelligence specialist Alan Bundy)
THE CRAG INTERNATIONAL CONFLUENCE 2015 is happy to invite you to a round table with Tim Ingold (Anthropologist at the University of Aberdeen), Alan Bundy (Artificial Intelligence Specialist at the University of Edinburgh) and Special Guests on the following theme: CREATION OF REALITY? Whatever these 3 words suggest to you, come and confront your ideas […]
Could a Computer Create its Own Representations?, a Crag Talk by Alan Bundy
Could a Computer Create its Own Representations? Alan Bundy School of Informatics University of Edinburgh Keynote talk at the CRAG INTERNATIONAL CONFLUENCE Saturday 5 December 9.30 am Project Room 50 George Square Artificial Intelligence systems need to maintain a representation of their environment so that they can interpret sensory information and plan actions. This is […]
An interview of Luis de Miranda by The Oxford Philosopher
The Oxford Philosopher Speaks to… Luis de Miranda Forty-four-year-old philosopher, author, and film director Luis de Miranda is no stranger to the philosophical (nor the literary) community, and I was lucky enough to catch him between the flurries of his many ongoing projects at the University of Edinburgh. The Portuguese-born polymath discusses ‘crealism,’ a movement […]
The University of Edinburgh selects a Crag event for the Innovative Learning Week Programme
Creating Tomorrow’s University One Idea At A Time – Part of the University of Edinburgh Innovative Learning Week Programme Book your free ticket here before it’s too late:
A French Spirit is Haunting The Global World: On The Concept of Esprit de Corps, a talk by Luis de Miranda
A French Spirit is Haunting The Global World: On The Concept of Esprit de Corps, a talk by Luis de Miranda The University of Edinburgh David Hume Tower – LG09 18 November 2015 5.15 pm ‘In September 2014, I have set up an online tracer dedicated to a day-to-day taxonomy of current uses of the […]
Creating Tomorrow’s University One Idea At A Time
Special CRAG EVENT | University of Edinburgh Innovative Learning Week “I hate that phrase “the real world.” Why is an aircraft factory more real than a university? Is it?” ― Richard Hugo, The Triggering Town: Lectures and Essays on Poetry and Writing ___________ This time there is not guest speaker: YOU are the guest speaker. […]
Crag Confluence 2015 – Programme
‘Creation of Reality’: Towards an Interdisciplinary and Comprehensive understanding CRAG CONFLUENCE 2015 Thursday 3 December – Saturday 5 December 2015 University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, U.K. convenor: Luis de Miranda, director of the Crag: Sponsors: Institute for Academic Development (University of Edinburgh), Institut Français UK _________________ PROGRAMME (Final version) PROGRAM Venue: Project Room, LLC, University […]
The Crystal Agent, a Crag talk by Dr. Martin Crowley
CRAG CONFLUENCE 2015 – 3-5 December 2015 Keynote Speaker Martin Crowley, University of Cambridge, UK “Recent models of agency as distributed throughout networks of human and nonhuman actors — most notably in the works of Bruno Latour and Jane Bennett — have powerfully shifted understanding of this topic, and have argued that the significance of […]